Sunday, 20 March 2011

What it takes to be a Real Estate Agent/Investor by Sunil Tulsiani

It takes a certain breed to become a real estate agent, or a real estate investor for that matter. Sunil Tulsiani points out that it's a profession that some people take pride in and are highly successful at, but it can also be a demoralizing and unrewarding one for others. Sunil Tulsiani explains that it has to mainly do with your determination.

Sunil Tulsiani notes that there really are no specific qualifications or experience required to become a realty agent, but there are some attributes that are essential if you're to make a decent living from it over a long period of time.
In every town, city, or country you go to, there is real estate. In the city you'll have more contact opportunities, meaning more chances for listings and sales. Sunil Tulsiani has learned that the city also has it cons. The competition is a rife and spreading your name, let alone your company in such a large area, can be a big challenge. Sunil Tulsiani has found that this market is more cut-throat and possibly requires a sales person with comprehensive client canvassing strategies and is, by nature, is determined and competitive.

Sunil Tulsiani recognizes that working in smaller towns and suburbs is a different kettle of fish. This market typically offers a slightly more relaxed approach but with that comes less potential clients. A friendly and well-respected real estate agent is required in these areas. You must be able to adapt to an area where everyone knows everyone. It's much easier to build a reputation but don’t forget that it's just as easy to ruin it. Sunil Tulsiani wants you to keep in mind that the key thing to remember is that word spreads quickly in small towns. Being able to build and maintain relationships is crucial.

There are some attributes that are fundamental, no matter which area of real estate market you're based. Being able to sell basically yourself with confidence is very imperative and so is being able to sell a product with passion. Sunil Tulsiani goes on to explain that you must have a warm personality with excellent communication skills, but the most important attribute to have is being able to sell something without coming across as "just another sales person". When clients realize that their real estate agent is actually sincere and honest and has their best intentions at heart, the more likely they are to buy from them. Based on what Sunil Tulsiani has experienced, there's simply no room for pushiness, arrogance or a lack of patience in the real estate game.

Don’t forget that there's also a lot of sacrifice involved. By no means is it a 9am - 5pm job. Realty agents are mostly on 100% commission so there really isn’t room for complacency. Sunil Tulsiani recalls that potential buyers are busy at work during the day so the only option to gather work is through evening contact. There's also the requirement to run open homes on weekends. This can generally be particularly frustrating, especially if the relevant home is gathering little interest. The most important thing is keeping your confidence level high, as well as your positivity for a certain outcome.
People are lured to real estate because of the quick buck it promises. But don't hold your breath; you won't get rich quick. An "overnight sensation" usually takes about five years. Sunil Tulsiani informs that, unfortunately, more than ninety percent of the people who take a real estate seminar quit after three months.

Real estate investing should be treated with the seriousness of a career. It takes months, sometimes even years for a business to cultivate customers and have a life of its own. Sunil Tulsiani elaborates that you need to treat it like any other business.

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